International Programmes

Humboldt-Universität offers a great number of International programmes across all departments. The majority of these programmes is realised with European and non-European partner universities from HU's international network, and some of these programmes are completed with a joint degree from several universities. English predominates as the language of instruction in these courses of studies, as far as the subject matter does not require another language, like comparative law courses do. Further information concerning the study programmes, their partner institutions, requirements and degrees are summarised in a short form in the brochure 'International Degree Programmes'. If you have further questions concerning a specific course of studies, please turn to the coordinator of the respective programme.



Bebelplatz 2
10117 Berlin


Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences


Georgenstraße 47
10117 Berlin

Website of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences


Institute for Asian and African Studies


Department of Social Sciences


Image Knowledge Gestaltung




Faculty of Life Sciences


Invalidenstraße 42
10115 Berlin

Albrecht Daniel Thaer-Institut of Agricultural and Horticultural Sciences


Department of Biology



Department of Psychology




Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences


Johann von Neumann - Haus

Rudower Chaussee 25
12489 Berlin

Website of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences


Geography Department


Department of Physics




Faculty of Arts and Humanities I


Friedrichstraße 191-193
10117 Berlin

Website of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities I


Berlin School of Library and Information Science


Department of History



Faculty of Arts and Humanities II


Universitätsgebäude am Hegelplatz

Dorotheenstraße 24
10117 Berlin

Website of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities II


Department of English and American Studies


Department of Romance Literatures and Linguistics



Faculty of Theology


Burgstraße 26
10178 Berlin

Website of the Faculty of Theology




Faculty of Economics and Business Administration


Spandauer Straße 1
10178 Berlin

Website of the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration




Centre for British Studies


Mohrenstraße 60
10117 Berlin

Website of the Centre for British Studies




Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin


Charitéplatz 1
10117 Berlin

Website of Charité