Address Change

Do you wish to move home within Berlin? If so, then there are a number of formalities that need to be observed in addition to organising the move. There’s one thing that you should not forget to do - notify your registration office of your new address, because just like registering your flat, you are also required by law to re-register when you move within 14 days. You need to make an appointment with one of the Berlin Bürgerämter (registration offices) to register your change of address.
In addition to the change of address registration process, it is also important to notify important offices of your new address (e.g. the HU Human Resources Department or your bank). A short checklist is provided at the end of this page.


How to register your change of address

1. Book an appointment
At present, all of the Berlin Bürgerämter will only see you on appointment. Because appointments are in short supply, it is advisable to book an online appointment with a Bürgeramt several weeks in advance for your re-registration. To do this, go to the Bürgeramt website and select the service "Anmeldung einer Wohnung" ("Registering a residence"). At the end of the page you will see the following paragraph:
Click on "Termin berlinweit suchen and buchen" ("Search for and book appointments across Berlin"). This will take you to a calendar. The days shown with a light blue background still have appointments available. Click on the relevant day to see which Bürgeramt still have appointments free.
2. Fill out the form
It makes sense to complete the form beforehand, in the peace and quiet of your home. Here you can find a PDF version of the form "Anmeldung bei der Meldebehörde" (registration with the registration office). The International Scholar Services support office will of course be happy to assist you.
3. Appointment at the Bürgeramt

On the day of your appointment, it is essential that you bring all the documentation you need for registering your change of address to the Bürgeramt:

  • Proof of identity (e.g. ID card, passport)
  • The completed change of address form
  • A civil status document (e.g. birth certificate or marriage certificate, translated if necessary)
  • Confirmation of relocation: from 01.11.2015 your landlord is obliged to sign a written confirmation of your residence within two weeks of relocation. The confirmation needs to contain the following details: name and address of your landlord or the main tenant, date of moving in, address of the apartment and name of all residents obliged to be registered. The presenting of a rental agreement does not replace the confirmation of relocation.
4. Receiving and retaining confirmation of registration

You will receive confirmation of registration from the Bürgeramt immediately upon registering. Keep this in a safe place, as you may need it at a later date: for example, to apply for a residence permit extension, to conclude an employment contract or open a bank account.


Which offices will need your new address?

Below we have compiled a list of offices that may require your new address:

  • Humboldt-Universität (e.g. if you are registered as a doctoral student or are employed at HU as a scientist/researcher)
  • All insurers (e.g. health insurer or liability insurer)
  • Libraries (e.g. the HU library)
  • Bank
  • ARD ZDF Deutschlandradio Beitragsservice (for TV and radio licence fees)
  • Tax authority
  • Electricity supplier
  • Internet service provider, telephone provider (e.g. mobile phone)
  • Deutsche Bahn (if you own a BahnCard)
  • Berliner Verkehrsbetriebe (if you have a subscription ticket)
  • Other clubs, associations, memberships
  • Newspapers and magazines (if you have a subscription)
  • Vehicle registration authority (if you own a car)
Tips and advice
  • To forward your mail to the new address, Deutsche Post will supply you with a forwarding order. However, the website is only available in German.

  • If you relocate to another town or city in Germany away from Berlin, you do not need to register your change of address. Instead, you simply register your arrival in the new town or city and the old residence will be de-registered automatically.


Do you have other questions?

If so please contact the International Scholar Services.