9.13 Travel

This section will give you some ideas for travelling in Germany and to other countries. It is advisable to compare several offers before deciding. Normally, the earlier you book, the cheaper it will be. The most inexpensive accommodation offered is provided by youth hostels (DJH) and backpacker hostels.

CouchSurfing is a world-wide hospitality exchange network and website. After free registration, members have the option of finding and offering sleeping accommodation.

All information on railway travel in Germany and abroad including special offers is provided by Deutsche Bahn.

Air travel
There are many airlines offering reduced rate flights from Berlin. Since there is frequently only a limited contingent of seats sold at cheap rates, it is advisable to book as early as possible.

When comparing prices, it is important to check carefully whether an airline applies additional taxes and airport landing fees.

For further information check:


Long-distance bus services
You can also travel overland on long-distance buses, both in Germany and to other European countries, at very reasonable prices.

Information at:


The website Omio offers a comparison between bus, train and flight prices for travelling through Germany and Europe.

Car sharing agencies
An inexpensive alternative to travelling by bus, train or plane is offered by car sharing agencies (Mitfahrzentralen). The idea is to ride as a passenger in a car with someone else. There is always a good chance to find a ride at short notice from Berlin to other German cities. Sharing the petrol cost is usually a prerequisite.

Nationwide car sharing (Mitfahrgelegenheiten) can be found at:
