Transatlantic Student Symposia

Question of the resilience of cultures and their answers to cultural, social, and environmental problems were at the center of the 14th Transatlantic Student Symposium which took place between March 18 and 27, 2016. For more than a decade the Institute for English and American Studies has been teaching joint courses, conducting excursions, symposia and student conferences with teachers and students of partner universities in North America and Europe and has turned them into a brand. This year students pursued their topic – The Politics and Culture of Resilience: Adapting to a Changing Environment – in Oregon and California with students of Oregon State University and the University of Warsaw. Students and Teachers prepare the two-week excursion during semester classes that are run in parallel and include virtual meetings. Student conferences, in which students present their research, make the final connection in a research-based international learning agenda. Sharing the work with fellow students teaches intercultural abilities the Humboldt way.

The format of transatlantic student symposia unites possibilities of connecting research with teaching in an ideal way. The international experience fosters multi-perspectivity in students.

For detailed information on topics and results of the past 14 years, please consult the programme's webpage.

Please contact PD Dr. Reinhard Isensee for further details.