
Na­tion­al Uni­ver­si­ty of Sin­ga­pore

The Berlin University Alliance and the National University of Singapore promote small projects, workshops, conferences and visits between Singapore and Berlin. This enables researchers from both locations to work together and to secure third-party funding. Photo: National University of Singapore

The National University of Singapore is one of the world’s leading research universities and a top university in its region. It is distinguished by an interdisciplinary and practice-oriented approach in the fields of education, research and innovation.

The National University of Singapore has a particular focus on promoting creative entrepreneurship. Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin has maintained close relations with the National University of Singapore as part of the student exchange programme since 2010. We have been intensifying our cooperation since 2018 through a strategic partnership as part of the Berlin University Alliance (BUA). Within this partnership, we are striving to intensify our cooperation in the area of excellent and innovative research on specific key topics such as “Global Health”. In this regard, the dialogue at a governance level is to be strengthened and sustainable joint programmes established to promote young scientists and entrepreneurship.

As part of the BUA, start-up funding is awarded at irregular intervals for collaborative projects that can be used to establish new research collaborations or further develop existing onesThese funds enable the financing of small projects, workshops, conferences and visits between Singapore and Berlin. This gives researchers the opportunity to work together with colleagues at the other location and to jointly secure third-party funding. The next call for proposals is expected to take place in spring 2024.

Do you wish to develop a new cooperation project with the National University of Singapore or to further expand existing structures? The office for international science cooperation, profile partnerships and strategic development offers a Zoom consultation once a month for initiating collaborations with the National University of Singapore and other strategic partners of Humboldt-Universität. Come and visit us:

The first Thursday of every month from 10.00 am – 11.00 am.

As part of the BUA Grand Challenge Global Health, the collaborative project "Ageing Well in the Urban Environment – Meeting the Health and the Social Needs of Older Adults" is being funded from April 2023 to March 2026. Researchers from the Charité, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin and the National University of Singapore are participating in the project. They are investigating healthy ageing against the background of demographic change and urbanisation. Germany and Singapore are confronted with similar macroeconomic trends, albeit in different sociocultural contexts. The German and Singapore populations are ageing rapidly, which is challenging traditional family structures and models of care, placing a burden on healthcare systems, in which primary care is less developed and highlighting the importance of financial security of older people. The project is investigating to what extent four key dimensions of well-being in old age – health, mobility, loneliness and financial security – are related to potentially modifiable aspects of older adults’ living environments, particularly the availability and accessibility of health services, the characteristics of the built environment and its age-friendliness.



The HU consultation on collaboration opportunities as part of our strategic partnerships takes place on the first Tuesday of every month from 2.30 pm – 3.30pm.