
Com­ing to Hum­boldt-Uni­ver­sität

Humboldt Universität - Campus Mitte
Do you want to study or do an intership at Humboldt-Universität? We show you how. Photo: Stefan Klenke

Come to Humboldt-Universität and be part of excellent research and teaching at the heart of Berlin! Whether you are studying or working in science or university administration: Here you will find all the right offers and services for a successful start at HU.

    • At-risk schol­ars

      Academic Freedom

      In recognition of its historical responsibility, Humboldt-Universität supports scholars at risk. Learn here how our initiatives and networks promote academic freedom.

Services und information

    • Visa and res­i­dence

      Services & information

      Are you going to travel to Berlin and are wondering whether you need a visa and how to apply for one? Are you in Berlin and wondering what a residence permit is and what the conditions are? Then this page is the right place for you.

      A sign of the Federal Republic of Germany in front of a few trees.
    • Fi­nances

      Services & information

      Would you like to come to Humboldt-Universität to study, do a doctorate or research and are wondering how to fund this? On this page, you will find tips and useful resources for financial support.

    • Ac­com­mo­da­tion

      Services & information

      How do you find a place to live in Berlin? What search options are there, what costs should you expect, and what should you bear in mind? Here you will find information and tips on how to find what you are looking for.

      Many buildings in Berlin, photographed from above, with streets visible between them.
    • Lan­guage

      Services & information

      Language is one of the most important elements of well-being and success when entering a new culture. If you come to Berlin, we recommend that you improve your German skills before you leave. Humboldt-Universität can help you with this.

      A woman talking to two other people.
    • Health in­sur­ance

      Services & information

      In Germany, it is generally mandatory to have health insurance. To enrol, sign an employment contract or apply for a residence permit, you must provide proof of valid health insurance. Find out how this works here.

    • Su­per­vi­sion pro­gramme

      Supervision programme HUGS

      HU GO STUDY, abbreviated HUGS, is a University support programme for students and doctoral students from abroad. It offers workshops free of charge on various topics and events to meet new people and to network.

      A large number of people standing in front of a large grassy area surrounded by a walkway.
    • 24.03.2025

      09:00 — 15:00 ​

      International Service Centre, HU-Hauptgebäude, Unter den Linden 6, 10117 Berlin

      Welcome Centre

      Lo­cal Reg­is­tra­tion Of­fice at HU’s main build­ing

      When you move into a new apartment, you need to register at the Local Registration Office "Bürgeramt". Appointments for this are hard to get. In September and October, the Local Registration Office will be at Humboldt- Universität on three dates. Book an appointment!

      Go to event page
    • 03.04.2025

      09:00 — 15:00 ​

      International Service Centre, HU-Hauptgebäude, Unter den Linden 6, 10117 Berlin

      Welcome Centre

      Lo­cal Reg­is­tra­tion Of­fice at HU’s main build­ing

      When you move into a new apartment, you need to register at the Local Registration Office "Bürgeramt". Appointments for this are hard to get. In September and October, the Local Registration Office will be at Humboldt- Universität on three dates. Book an appointment!

      Go to event page
    • 09.04.2025

      10:00 — 12:00 ​

      Fritz-Reuter-Saal, Dorotheenstraße 24, 10117 Berlin

      Welcome Centre

      Ori­en­ta­tion for in­ter­na­tion­al stu­dents and doc­tor­al can­di­dates

      You’re a new international student attending Humboldt-Universität in the upcoming winter semester? We'd like to invite you to our in-person orientation event.

      Go to event page