
Prince­ton Uni­ver­si­ty

Princeton University.
Holder Hall was built as a dormitory in the Collegiate Gothic style characteristic of Princeton and opened in 1909. Photo: Princeton University, Office of Communications

Princeton University was founded in 1746 and is one of the most prestigious institutions worldwide. Building on diverse and long-time collaborations at a faculty level, Humboldt-Universität has been part of a strategic partnership with Princeton since 2012.

The aim of our cooperation is to address challenges of the present together in a transatlantic and scientific discourse. The partnership focuses particularly on research topics such as democracy research, sustainability, philosophical and ethical questions, as well as interdisciplinary projects that combine the natural sciences and the humanities.

The goal of our partnership is not only multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary cooperation in research and teaching, but also the transdisciplinary exchange of knowledge. The mobility of students and doctoral students, as well as the promotion of staff exchange, are also essential elements of this cooperation.

Since 2012, we have run numerous workshops and research collaborations in various disciplines and supported almost 30 projects with around 100 scientists and researchers financially.

As part of our partnership with Princeton University, we fund small and medium-sized research projects that strengthen the transatlantic scientific dialogue in annual calls for proposal. The funds enable the financing of small projects, workshops, conferences and visits between Princeton and HU. This gives researchers the opportunity to work together with colleagues at the other location and to jointly secure third-party funds. Through the funding, the aim is to intensify the cooperation between the two institutions and to enhance the visibility and internationalisation of the participating faculties. The calls for proposal are usually in autumn.

Do you wish to develop a new cooperation project with Princeton University, or to expand existing structures? The International University Collaborations Office offers a Zoom consultation once a month for initiating collaborations with Princeton University and other strategic partners of Humboldt-Universität. Come and visit us:

Jeden 1. Donnerstag im Monat von 10:00 – 11:00 Uhr.

You can find general information on the promotion of research and innovation in the USA on the website of the German Center for Research and Innovation New York.

Within the framework of the HU-Princeton partnership, social scientists and legal scholars from both universities are collaborating from 2016 to 2026 as part of the “Constitutionalism under Stress” (CONSTRESS) project. CONSTRESS offers an interdisciplinary combination of normative, legal and social science research, to develop a nuanced understanding of the current crises of constitutionalism. The cooperation is based on jointly held seminars and workshops that are open to master’s students and doctoral students from various disciplines at both universities. On the HU side, the teaching area Comparative Politics and the Political Systems of Eastern Europe is involved, as well as the Integrative Research Institute Law & Society (LSI).

Studierende vor einer Tafel in einem Klassenzimmer.
Angeregte Diskussionen sind integraler Bestandteil aller Kooperationen. Foto: Princeton University, Office of Communications

In autumn 2023, Julia von Blumenthal, President of HU, travelled to the USA with a small delegation to renew the partnership with Princeton University, among others. Other destinations were New York University, the German Center for Research and Innovation and the American Council on Germany. She reports on her trip in a video.

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For the CONSTRESS workshop 2021 “Executives and Emergencies: Normative, Legal, and Empirical Transatlantic Perspective”, the two HU students Marie-Lou Laprise and Tessa Porter produced a podcast. The podcast explores the question of how the state of exception in constitutional law is used to combat the consequences of natural disasters and climate change.


    • Dr. Brit­ta Schu­mach­er

      Officer, strategic partnerships (Princeton, Zürich, São Paulo) | German Centres for Research and Innovation New York and São Paulo

      International science cooperation Unter den Linden 6, 10099 Berlin Room 2267 brit­ta.schu­mach­ +49 30 2093 20092


The consultation for HU members on collaboration opportunities as part of our strategic partnerships takes place on the first Thursday of every month from 10.00 am – 11.00 am.