

Students in the courtyard of the Humboldt Forum. Photo: Lucas Adrian

Our international programmes offer many opportunities for students, doctoral candidates, researchers and employees to come Humboldt-Universität. A full course of study, an internship, a research stay or job shadowing are just a few possible examples.

Options for students and doctoral candidates

    • Com­plete de­gree pro­gramme

      Coming to Humboldt-Universität

      Do you wish to complete a degree at Humboldt-Universität? A bachelor’s or master’s degree? You’re in the right place.

      Many students of various ages sitting in a lecture hall. In the background, a professor is seen next to a chalkboard.
    • Ex­change se­mes­ter

      Coming to Humboldt-Universität

      Would you like to spend a semester at Humboldt-Universität? Here you will find all the info you need about the application, your stay with us and completing the semester abroad.

    • Stu­dents & doc­tor­al can­di­dates

      Erasmus+ worldwide

      Erasmus+ Partner Countries provides grants for students and doctoral students from Partner universities. Here, you can find out more about forms of exchange, benefits and procedures.

    • HUWISU Win­ter and Sum­mer Uni

      Humboldt International Campus

      Do you wish to study in an international environment and get to know Berlin? Then the Humboldt Winter and Summer University (HUWISU) is right for you: There have been two to four-week summer and winter courses here for international students for more than ten years.

      Three people cooling off at a large water fountain.
    • Hum­boldt In­tern­ship Pro­gram

      Humboldt International Campus

      Do you wish to see what a research project or start-up is like and get to know the German capital, Berlin? The Humboldt Internship Program enables you to participate in subject-specific study for three months in a real working environment.

      A woman in a room full of various devices writing something on a piece of paper.
    • Berlin Per­spec­tives

      Humboldt International Campus

      This programme, with English-language and bilingual courses, is aimed at students who are already enrolled at Humboldt-Universität. Learn more about Berlin from various academic perspectives!

      Many people at the surface of a subway station, with cars and other people on the sides, and the Brandenburger Tor visible in the background.
    • Hum­boldt Per­spec­tives Study Abroad

      Humboldt International Campus

      Humboldt Perspectives Study Abroad: Live in Berlin for four months and, in doing so, gain both specialised knowledge and intercultural competence.

      A man in a room wearing a VR headset. In the foreground, you can see the back of the head of a person with long hair, who is also wearing a VR headset.
    • In­ter­na­tion­al Par­lia­ment Schol­ar­ship

      Humboldt International Campus

      Are you interested in German politics and parliamentary practice in Germany? Do you hold at least a bachelor’s degree? Do you speak German at a very good level? The International Parliament Scholarship (IPS) enables you to do an internship at the German Bundestag!

      Blick auf den Spiegeltrichter der Kuppel und den Plenarsaal des Bundestags.

Options for academics and staff

    • Aca­d­e­mics

      Erasmus+ worldwide

      With Erasmus+, you can take business trips to HU as a staff member of a partner institution. You can find information here on current partnerships and the mobility process.