
In conversation with the world

Why do we venture out into the world?

To educate ourselves – build our character, our knowledge, our CV, our network. All well and true. But venturing out into the world is not merely a box to be checked. It's the expression of an attitude. Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin encourages curious minds in this attitude by positioning itself as a holistic space of diversity.


Internationality and diversity are integral to Humboldt-Universität's identity and experienced daily by our students, academics and staff. In addition to a vast network of high-level international partnerships, HU can offer flexible funding opportunities and individualised support services. Whether you are coming to us from abroad or want to go out into the world: You're in the right place.



    • 08.08.2024

      14:00 — 15:00 ​


      Circle U.

      "The Pol­i­tics of Pover­ty and Hope" – Cir­cle U. Open Con­ver­sa­tions lec­ture

      This Circle U. Open Conversation will explore the interconnectedness of major global challenges and the need for a collective, optimistic mindset to drive meaningful change. It will be hosted by professor Dan Banik from the University of Oslo.

      Go to event page
    • 06.09.2024

      11:00 — 12:00 ​

      Online Zoom

      Study abroad

      In­fo ses­sion on ex­change se­mes­ters world­wide

      Every first Friday of the month, we provide information about study abroad opportunities at partner universities worldwide. Topics include: requirements, application and selection procedures, funding, and a Q&A session afterwards. The event language is German, but questions can be asked in German or English.

      Go to event page
    • 20.09.2024

      International Service Centre, HU-Hauptgebäude, Unter den Linden 6, 10117 Berlin

      Welcome Centre

      Lo­cal Reg­is­tra­tion Of­fice at HU’s main build­ing

      When you move into a new apartment, you need to register at the Local Registration Office "Bürgeramt". Appointments for this are hard to get. In September and October, the Local Registration Office will be at Humboldt- Universität on three dates. Book an appointment!

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