
Na­talia in Pre­to­ria

Porträt von Natalia.

Sawubona! Unjani? (Hi! How are you?) I’m Natalia, an African Studies MA student at HU. I had such a great time while on exchange at the University of KwaZulu-Natal, that I couldn’t wait to return to South Africa. I’m now studying Drama at the University of Pretoria.

    • Stu­dent life in the shad­ow of ‘load shed­ding’ and the light of ubun­tu

      HU ambassadors

      Since 2007, South Africa has frequently seen planned electrical power shutdowns, known as ‘load shedding’. Here, I’ll share what it means to be cut off from the Internet – and how helpful the African ubuntu concept is.

      Offene Bücher.
    • Pow­er­less in South Africa? - What to do dur­ing a black­out

      HU ambassadors

      As “load shedding” still stands strong in SA, electricity shortages have become my daily reality during the semester abroad. How can I continue to stay strong, too? Read on to find out what helps me make peace with everyday blackouts.

      Selfie von Natalia.
    • South Africa: An ex­change stu­dent’s guide to the ba­sics

      HU ambassadors

      A whole semester abroad might seem daunting at first. But if the University of Pretoria is your dream host university, I’ve got you covered. Keep reading to get some practical information on life at the UP before jumping on that plane!

      Natalia withe her flatmates.
    • HU am­bas­sadors

      HU ambassadors

      As students at HU Berlin, you can apply to spend a semester abroad at partner universities across the globe. To inspire, encourage and inform you, our four HU ambassadors will blog about their experiences throughout the winter term. New posts every other week!

      Die HU Bot­schaf­ter*in­nen vor Humboldt Universität.