
Tom in Oslo

Porträt von Tom.

Hei! Jeg heter Tom. (Hey, I am Tom.) I study Geography and Sports at HU to become a teacher. I am already in my Master's and this is my second time abroad. I'm spending this semester at the University of Oslo in Norway and sharing my adventure with you.

    • How to make the most of Nor­we­gian win­ter

      Winter in Norway is long, cold and dark – but, from winter sports to cosy campus nooks, there is still a lot to enjoy if you know how. In my first blog post I share what I’ve learned so far as an exchange student in Oslo.

      Tom sitzt an einem Tisch mit Schnee im Hintergrund.
    • HU and Oslo in com­par­i­son: my uni­ver­si­ty rank­ing

      During a semester abroad, you get to know a different university and can draw comparisons: What do I like better here than at my home university and vice versa? From the canteen to the libraries and workload – here’s my personal ranking!

      Tom vor der Universitätsbibliothek.
    • Half a year abroad – my biggest take­aways

      My months in Oslo have been some of the best I’ve had, and I’m taking a lot away from them. In this blog entry, I’ll share what makes Erasmus friendships special and which university classes were the best.

      Selfie von Tom mit seinen Freunden.
    • HU am­bas­sadors

      HU ambassadors

      As students at HU Berlin, you can apply to spend a semester abroad at partner universities across the globe. To inspire, encourage and inform you, our four HU ambassadors will blog about their experiences throughout the winter term. New posts every other week!

      Die HU Bot­schaf­ter*in­nen vor Humboldt Universität.