
Dig­i­tal teach­ing co­op­er­a­tions: Up­grade your cours­es with COIL

Courses with virtual international components offer significant benefits for lecturers and students alike. Photo: Adobe Stock / Syda Productions

COIL stands for Collaborative Online International Learning and allows you to internationalise your courses. It can all be done from Berlin, in an unbureaucratic manner and with additional support for planning and implementation.

With Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL), you can easily enrich your teaching with international components. Collaborate with colleagues from around the world, gain new perspectives and expand your network! International elements make your courses more attractive and the innovative COIL formats make them stand out from other offers. At HU, you can receive support for the planning and execution of your virtual teaching collaborations. We assist you in designing courses that enhance your students' intercultural, digital, and linguistic competencies. COIL courses are particularly inclusive because they eliminate any potential barriers of physical mobility, allowing for participation from Berlin.

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Video ansehen
Here you can watch a video introduction to COIL. It is provided by the Berlin School of Economics and Law as part of the joint Berlin universities' BeCOIL project.

The concept of COIL courses

Here’s how it works: As an educator at HU, you develop teaching units together with international partners, enabling (interdisciplinary) collaboration between two courses at the respective universities. The focus is on getting international student teams to work together through the use of digital tools. COIL courses are flexible in design and can be implemented easily and without bureaucracy. Depending on the content of the course and the experience of the instructors and students, the extent of the cooperation can range from a single session to a whole semester with a joint final project and in-person events.

Support for your project

Instructors who wish to get involved can receive advice on course design, as well as on didactic and technical questions. There is also support available for finding suitable partners and in case any additional administrative tasks arise. Contact us, we are happy to assist! There is a Moodle course available that offers further information and inspiration for COIL courses: here, in addition to finding guides and checklists, you also have the opportunity to exchange ideas and COIL experiences with HU colleagues.

    • 14.03.2025

      20:00 — 21:30 ​



      COIL in­fo event and work­shop with USP São Paulo

      Discover how Collaborative Online International Learning can transform your teaching! During this info session and workshop, together with colleagues from São Paulo and Berlin, we will explore new opportunities for joint virtual teaching formats.

      Go to event page