
HU am­bas­sadors

Die HU Bot­schaf­ter*in­nen vor Humboldt Universität.

As students at HU Berlin, you can apply to spend a semester abroad at partner universities across the globe. To inspire, encourage and inform you, our four HU ambassadors will blog about their experiences throughout the winter term. New posts every other week!

HU ambassadors – blogs from abroad

    • El­la in Can­ber­ra

      HU ambassadors

      Heyo, I'm Ella and I'm in the sixth semester of my BA in English with a minor in Cultural Studies. I've been at the Australian National University in Canberra for a semester now and I'm really looking forward to telling you about the city and my studies here!

      A girl wearing a septum piercing with some plants and a walkway in the background.
    • Zeina in Paris

      HU ambassadors

      I'm Zeina and I'm in my fourth Master's semester studying social sciences with a focus on politics. I am currently spending a semester at the renowned Sciences Po in Paris. For me, this exchange is a journey of self-discovery. Voilà – be part of it!

    • Julius in Berke­ley

      HU ambassadors

      USA! I'm Julius and I'm reporting from Berkeley, California. I've been here for six months already, studying at one of the best public universities in the world. In this blog, I'll tell you what it's like to live here and listen to CEOs from Silicon Valley every week at university.

      A boy wearing a black sweater with trees and cars in the background.
    • Paula in New Del­hi

      HU ambassadors

      Namaste! I'm Paula and I'll be spending a semester at Jawaharlal Nehru University in New Delhi as part of my Masters in Art and Visual History. I am very excited and look forward to sharing my experiences with you during this exceptional time!

      Porträt von Paula.
    • Caro in Copen­hagen

      HU ambassadors

      Hej! My name is Caro and I study law at HU. I will spend my seventh semester at the University of Copenhagen in Denmark as part of Erasmus+. I'm looking forward to sharing my university life, travels and new experiences with you here!

      Porträt von Caro.
    • Ani­ka in Tokyo

      HU ambassadors

      Konnichiwa! I'm Anika and I'm from France, originally. After moving to Berlin, my next (temporary) stop is Tokyo! There, I plan to further my M.A. studies in Economics and Management and also experience Japanese culture. I'll report on both on my blog, so come along!

      Porträt von Anika mit Humboldt Universität im Hintergrund.
    • To­bi in Lon­don

      HU ambassadors

      Hey, I'm Tobi and I'm studying law at Humboldt-Universität. After four semesters in Berlin, I'm now going to King's College in London for ten months. I hope to give you an authentic insight into my life on campus - here and on Instagram. Cheers!

      Porträt von Tobi vor Humboldt Universität.
    • Jemi­ma in Rome

      HU ambassadors

      Ciao! I'm Jemima and I'm studying English Literature in Berlin. This summer semester, I'm in Rome, at Sapienza University, with the Erasmus+ programme. Over the next few weeks, I’ll be blogging about my experiences and adventures in Italy.

      Porträt von Jemina.
    • Na­talia in Pre­to­ria

      HU ambassadors

      Sawubona! Unjani? (Hi! How are you?) I’m Natalia, an African Studies MA student at HU. I had such a great time while on exchange at the University of KwaZulu-Natal, that I couldn’t wait to return to South Africa. I’m now studying Drama at the University of Pretoria.

      Porträt von Natalia.
    • Tom in Oslo

      HU ambassadors

      Hei! Jeg heter Tom. (Hey, I am Tom.) I study Geography and Sports at HU to become a teacher. I am already in my Master's and this is my second time abroad. I'm spending this semester at the University of Oslo in Norway and sharing my adventure with you.

      Porträt von Tom.
    • Lisa in Mel­bourne

      HU ambassadors

      Hey, my name is Lisa and I'm in my fourth master's semester of Business Administration at HU Berlin. I am currently on a semester abroad at the University of Melbourne and looking forward to sharing my experiences with you!

      Porträt von Lisa.
    • Is­abelle in Paris

      HU ambassadors

      I’m Isabelle and I study law at HU. I’m doing my specialisation as part of the BerMüPa programme in Paris at the Université Paris-Panthéon-Assas. Here, I am currently studying French law (Licence 3) and sharing my experiences with you in this blog.

      Porträt von Isabelle.
    • Dafne in Tel Aviv

      HU ambassadors

      Hi! My name is Arianna, but friends and family call me by my middle name, Dafne. I am Italian, and I study Integrated Natural Resource Management at HU. This semester, things are a little different: I’m an exchange student at Tel Aviv University!

      Porträt von Dafne vor Humboldt.
    • Lennart in Van­cou­ver

      HU ambassadors

      I'm a master's student in the dual-degree Global History programme at Humboldt-Universität and Freie Universität. My study focus is on the development of and nationalism in 20th-century South Asia. I am currently on an exchange at the University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada.

      Porträt von Lennart.