
Berlin Per­spec­tives

Many people at the surface of a subway station, with cars and other people on the sides, and the Brandenburger Tor visible in the background.
Berlin is multifaceted and rich in history. Within view of the Brandenburg Gate and Alexanderplatz, find out what makes this city special. Photo: Lucas Adrian

This programme, with English-language and bilingual courses, is aimed at students who are already enrolled at Humboldt-Universität. Learn more about Berlin from various academic perspectives!

Do you wish to expand your intercultural competence and get a new view of Berlin within a regular degree programme? Then Berlin Perspectives is the right programme for you! In the English-language and bilingual courses, you address topics from German history, society and culture academically, using the example of Berlin. Become part of a community of international students who are broadening their horizons together, and contributing and further developing their own global perspective. The courses are open to enrolled students – as part of an international exchange programme or as regular HU students.

Stolpersteine vor dem Hauptgebäude.
Culture of remembrance: “Stolpersteine”, or stumbling stones, commemorate victims of the Nazi regime everywhere in Berlin. Humboldt-Universität also commemorates the Jewish students who were persecuted. Photo: Stefan Klenke


    • Dr. Moni­ka Son­ntag

      Programme coordinator Berlin Perspectives (BP) | Humboldt Perspectives Study Abroad (HPSA)

      Humboldt International Campus (HIC) Unter den Linden 6, 10099 Berlin Room 2249d moni­ka.son­ +49 30 2093 46740
    • 07.03.2025

      10:00 — 11:00 ​


      In­fo ses­sion on the Fran­co-Ger­man Par­lia­men­tary In­tern­ship

      Are you aiming to participate in the Franco-German Parliamentary Internship? We cordially invite you to our info session! In this online meeting you will learn more about the programme and application process – and of course you can ask your questions.

      Go to event page