
Fran­co-Ger­man Par­lia­men­tary In­tern­ship: New co­hort wel­comed

The Franco-German Parliamentary Internship's five new participants with Humboldt-Universität staff at the French Embassy. Photo: Simon Kessler

Five new participants of the Franco-German Parliamentary Internship programme have arrived from France at the beginning of October and are now spending the winter and summer semesters in Berlin.

During the introductory week, the participants visited the Centre Marc Bloch, the Centre Français de Berlin and the radio station Radio France Internationale. The highlight was a visit to the French Embassy, where even the ambassador, H.E. François Delattre, had time for a brief conversation. In the winter semester, the participants attend courses at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. From March 2025, the students will be part of IPS, which is organised by the German Bundestag in cooperation with Humboldt-Universität. The core of this programme is a three-month internship with a member of the German Bundestag.
