
Julius in Berke­ley

A boy wearing a black sweater with trees and cars in the background.

USA! I'm Julius and I'm reporting from Berkeley, California. I've been here for six months already, studying at one of the best public universities in the world. In this blog, I'll tell you what it's like to live here and listen to CEOs from Silicon Valley every week at university.

    • An Amer­i­can elite uni­ver­si­ty – so very dif­fer­ent?

      HU ambassadors

      UC Berkeley is one of the American elite universities that are famous all over the world. But what is really different in everyday life here compared to Berlin? From free gyms to lectures straight out of Silicon Valley, I'll tell you all about it!

      A large building with a gate made of plants, with a street in front of it.
    • Af­ford­able and so­cia­ble: Co-op liv­ing for stu­dents

      HU ambassadors

      Housing and food can be quite expensive in California. I've found a way to avoid going broke: I now clean, cook and party with 50 flatmates in shared accommodation run by the Berkeley Student Cooperative. Here's why I recommend the experience.

    • Yes, you can! Three mind­sets for a suc­cess­ful se­mes­ter abroad

      HU ambassadors

      Going abroad during your studies? Sounds cool, but is it worth the hassle? I would say: it all depends on you and your attitude. This blog post is about exactly that: the mindsets that will help you make the most of an exchange semester.

    • HU am­bas­sadors

      HU ambassadors

      As students at HU Berlin, you can apply to spend a semester abroad at partner universities across the globe. To inspire, encourage and inform you, our four HU ambassadors will blog about their experiences throughout the winter term. New posts every other week!

      Die HU Bot­schaf­ter*in­nen vor Humboldt Universität.