
Hum­boldt Per­spec­tives Study Abroad

Im Bild testet ein Besucher der Langen Nacht der Wissenschaften eine Virtual Reality-Brille.
Dare to opt for a change of perspective with short-term studies at Humboldt-Universität. In the picture, a visitor at the Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften, or Long Night of Science, tests a virtual reality headset. Photo: Andreas [FranzXaver] Süß

Humboldt Perspectives Study Abroad: Live in Berlin for four months and, in doing so, gain both specialised knowledge and intercultural competence.

In addition to an interdisciplinary seminar programme with diverse topics about Berlin, Germany and Europe, the programme also includes intercultural training and excursions in Berlin. Humboldt Perspectives Study Abroad (HPSA) is the perfect programme for everyone who wants to study abroad for a few months and acquire both specialised knowledge and a research-oriented working method, as well as intercultural competences. It is based on the idea of the brothers Alexander and Wilhelm von Humboldt that travelling and looking beyond one’s own horizons are essential requirements for research and teaching. The accompanying intercultural training is a fixed component of the programme and the students can take supplementary German courses, if required.


    • Dr. Moni­ka Son­ntag

      Programme coordinator Berlin Perspectives (BP) | Humboldt Perspectives Study Abroad (HPSA)

      Humboldt International Campus (HIC) Unter den Linden 6, 10099 Berlin Room 2249d moni­ka.son­ +49 30 2093 46740
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      Humboldt International Campus

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      Humboldt International Campus

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