
Paula in New Del­hi

Porträt von Paula.

Namaste! I'm Paula and I'll be spending a semester at Jawaharlal Nehru University in New Delhi as part of my Masters in Art and Visual History. I am very excited and look forward to sharing my experiences with you during this exceptional time!

    • Stay­ing pos­i­tive! My first days in New Del­hi

      HU ambassadors

      A semester abroad in New Delhi inevitably comes with challenges; most of them unexpected. In this blog entry, I tell you about my arrival and first days in New Delhi. I share all the things that went wrong, but also how I was generously helped time and time again.

      Porträt von Paula.
    • Where to switch off in New Del­hi

      HU ambassadors

      New Delhi is a city that can be overwhelming, especially when you first get there. In this blog post, I'll tell you about some places that give me peace and quiet - and how I was able to find calm in my everyday life at university, too.

      Paula vor der Universität.
    • My se­mes­ter in In­dia: ex­pec­ta­tions vs. re­al­i­ty

      HU ambassadors

      A high workload? Delicious food? Cultural diversity? - How do you imagine life as an exchange student in India? In this blog post, I talk about the expectations I had of New Delhi, whether they were confirmed or not, and what truly surprised me.

      Taj Mahal
    • HU am­bas­sadors

      HU ambassadors

      As students at HU Berlin, you can apply to spend a semester abroad at partner universities across the globe. To inspire, encourage and inform you, our four HU ambassadors will blog about their experiences throughout the winter term. New posts every other week!

      Die HU Bot­schaf­ter*in­nen vor Humboldt Universität.