Cooking for 50 people in Berkeley and a special learning environment in Paris
HU ambassadors
Over the past month, the HU ambassadors have once again experienced a lot and reported back to us in their blogs. Julius, for example, has taken us to his co-op home and given some spectacular insights into his shared California kitchen.
Embassy of Brazil: network reception for academics and students
Strategic Partnerships
HU, FU, TU and Charité are inviting students and researchers from Brazil, their academic hosts and BUA researchers who cooperate with Brazil, to a networking event at the Brazilian Embassy on 26 June.
Australian price tags and American recipes for success
HU ambassadors
HU Ambassador Ella returns with a much-requested topic: What does a semester in Australia cost? She reports on her expenses and how best to save your dollars in Canberra.
14:00 — 18:00 ​
Info Market: Meet the International Department!
Go to event pageMeet the International Department's team at this year's semester kick-off info market: We'll be there to answer all your questions about study abroad and other exchange options, as well as the European campus Circle U. is building for you.