7.2 Assessment and certification of performance

Students enrolled at Humboldt-Universität on the basis of an exchange programme may study for one or two semesters. They will, however, not study to obtain a Humboldt degree. Instead, they will be given the opportunity to attend seminars and lectures and obtain credit certificates (Leistungsnachweise) or collect credit points (Leistungspunkte) in accordance with the regulations of their faculty.

Problems that might arise from studies should be discussed with the staff of the course counselling services at the faculty or department (Studienfachberatung). ERASMUS+ students should approach the ERASMUS+ coordinator (► 7.2.1) in charge for confirmation of the learning agreement and for certificates of attendance and other transcripts (e.g. transcript of records ( 6.1.3)) at the end of their studies. Relevant arrangements should be made well before the end of a semester, i.e. early February or early July.