
Af­ter ar­rival

Enrollment: Before you can start your studies, you must enroll at the partner university. You will receive detailed information directly from the partner university or from their websites for ERASMUS students.

Documents to be Submitted for the 1st Scholarship Installment:

  • Initial online language test via the Erasmus+ Online Linguistic Support (OLS). You will be requested to take the test via email. This online language test does not apply to native speakers.
  • die Anlage II - Confirmation of Registration. Diese müssen Sie an der Gastuniversität unterschreiben lassen
  • A copy of the valid, if modified, Learning Agreements. You can coordinate your Learning Agreement with the academic coordinators of the partner university and, if necessary, adjust it to current circumstances. This must be done within the first two weeks of your studies at your host university. For the changes, you must again obtain the signature and confirmation from the responsible staff of the examination board at HU. Please send the final version in copy to both your ERASMUS coordinators and Ms. Cornelia Marx.

Please submit the collected documents no later than three weeks after the start of your studies as a scanned email attachment to Ms. Cornelia Marx. The scholarship installment will only be processed upon receipt of the aforementioned documents. Incomplete, missing, or untimely submitted documents will result in non-payment of the scholarship.

    • Stud­ies

      Erasmus+ Europa

      The classic exchange programme! Whether Oslo for a semester or Barcelona for a year - with the Erasmus+ study programme you have a wide range of options and fixed funding.
