
Cir­cle U. funds projects for Eq­ui­ty, Di­ver­si­ty and In­clu­sion

The Circle U. European University Alliance is excited to announce its Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (ED&I) Flagship Initiatives call for proposals.

This funding opportunity invites students, administrative staff, and faculty members from Circle U. member institutions to develop innovative projects that advance equity, diversity, and inclusion within their academic environments. The total funding available is 12,000 euros per call, with individual projects eligible to apply for up to 4,000 euros. This call will be issued again for initiatives to be funded in 2026 and 2027, with a maximum funding period of one year per project. The deadline for submission is 28 February.


    • 28.01.2025

      13:00 — 13:30 ​


      Circle U.

      In­fo ses­sion: Fund­ing for Ini­tia­tives on Equal­i­ty, Di­ver­si­ty, and In­clu­sion

      Circle U. has announced funding for projects in the areas of equality, diversity, and inclusion. Researchers, students, and staff of HU are eligible to apply. This info session will present the call and provide time for questions.

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