Finding Accommodation

Berlin is an extraordinary city in many ways and attracts people from all over the world. This is also reflected in the city’s housing market, in which several prospective tenants often applying for the same property. Finding suitable accommodation can be a difficult process and requires patience. Ideally, you should start looking at the various services that can help you find accommodation at an early stage. Here is an overview:

Accommodation offers of the International Scholar Services

The ISS receive private rental offers regularly, which we collect and pass on to you. If you require further information or advice regarding the housing market in Berlin, you can consult us at any time.

Guest Houses at HU and other academic housing options

Guest Houses are operated by HU itself or other academic institutions. The rooms are generally furnished, but furnishings and rental costs will vary. Availability is limited. If you would like to stay in one of our Guest Houses, you should enquire about a room several months before you arrive. HU guests may use the following Guest Houses:

Humboldt-Universität Guest Houses in the Berlin-Mitte and Berlin-Pankow districts (For all HU guests and researchers)

IBZ der IGAFA - Initiativgemeinschaft Außeruniversitärer Forschungseinrichtungen in Adlershof (for researchers and PhD Candidates in Adlershof)

Studentendorf Adlershof: academic accommodation for researchers (students, PhD Candidates, visiting scholars)


Apartment agencies

If you are looking for a furnished flat, you can also enquire at apartment agencies. This option can be very useful for shorter stays or as temporary accommodation. Here is a selection of agencies offering this service:

Berlinovo – Immobilien Gesellschaft mbH

CentralHome-First Choice

Adapt Apartments Berlin GmbH (for scholars on Campus Adlershof)

Coming Home

Crocodilian Zeitwohnagentur

HomeCompany Berlin

FARAWAYHOME (German/English)

Hope Berlin Apartments

VillaroHome living



Online accommodation listings for furnished rooms and apartments

Online accommodation listings enable you to search for an apartment or room yourself. Accommodation listings are often in the form of a portal for private persons who are subletting their room or apartment for what is often a limited period. The following accommodation listings may make your search easier:

9flats (English)

Exberliner (English)

Agentur Wohnwitz (German/English)

Zwischenmiete (only in German)         

Studentenwerk Berlin (German/English)

Wohnungsbörse (only in German)    

WG-Gesucht (German/English)                

Studenten-WG (only in German)

Immonet (only in German)

Immobilienscout 24 (only in German)

Ebay Kleinanzeigen (only in German)             

Tip Berlin (only in German)

Zitty Kleinanzeigen (only in German)

Hsozkult (German/English)

Immowelt (only in German)

Berlin Wohngemeinschaften (only in German)


Tips and advice
  • Beware of fraud! Some people may try to rent you flats that do not exist. They generally claim that the landlord is currently abroad and has commissioned a trust company to manage the property in their absence. You are then asked to transfer an instalment of the rent in exchange for being sent the key. This is fraud! To avoid this, you should never transfer any money before visiting the property or establishing personal contact with the landlord. We strongly recommend only transferring money or moving into the flat once you have received a rental agreement signed by the landlord.

  • In any event, you will require a rental agreement, as you will need it to register with the local registration office (Bürgeramt) in Berlin.

  • With the amendment of the tenancy law of 01 June 2015 the so called “Bestellerprinzip” came into force in Germany. According to this principle the broker commission must be paid by the ordering party (generally the landlord). Only if you commission a broker for apartment hunting yourself, you will have to pay the accruing costs.